AF - Project 2

26/5/2021 (Week 9) - 11/6/2021 (Week 11)
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Animation Fundamentals

Week 9 : Briefing on Final Project
For this week we had no lecture but we were given a brief on our final project which is an Animated Trailer.

Animated Trailer details:
  1. Total of 5 animation shots.
  2. 20 seconds excluding the opening and end credits.
  3. Should be accompanied by sound and music.

For non-fsc students:
  1. Create an animated trailer by writing a story with a leading character that has been designed in Exercise 1, 2 and 3 and project 1 and 2.
  2. Create a simple set of storyboards.

Judging criteria:
  1. Technical execution on overall animation and application of the 12 principles of animation.
  2. Creativity and appeal of the overall animation work.

For this week I worked on the character acting and lip sync by choosing which sound and what movement would be suitable for the sound.

I've made 3 key poses for the acting and also started animating some of the movements
Fig 1: Pose 1
Fig 2 : Pose 2

Fig 3 : Pose 3

Week 10 : Project 2 progress
For this week I finished animating the acting and lip sync.

Week 11 : Project 2 progress
For this week I created the background for the project. I've actually created 2 backgrounds. The first one was not what I intended it to look like so I felt like doing another cleaner one which is the 2nd one. After I'm happy with the 2nd background, I added it to the animation for the final product.

Fig 4 : First Background

Fig 5 : Second Background


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