AF - W2

7/4/2021 (Week 2)
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Animation Fundamentals

Week 2 : Lecture
For this week we discussed on the 12 principles of animation but focuses on 4 for now.

1. Squash & Stretch
Squash and stretch is implementing elasticity and flexibility on an object that is moving. It gives it more dynamic and fluid motion to the object which also gives aspects such as weight and volume.
Fig 1: Squash & Stretch

2. Timing/Spacing
Timing in animation is the duration of the action from beginning to end. The use of timing are to create movements that follow the laws of physics. The standard timing for films runs at 24 to 25 fps.

Fig 2: Timing/Spacing

3. Arcs of Motion
Arcs are used to show the movement or flow of the objects. There is 2 types of arc which is circular or linear. Circular arcs are used for organic objects while linear arc is used for mechanical objects.

Fig 3: Arcs of Motion

4. Slow In/Slow Out
Slow In and Out are the acceleration and deceleration of objects. It helps give the visualization of momentum of the objects.
Fig 4: Slow In/Slow Out

For this weeks exercise, we were task to animate 2 bouncing balls which is a linear bounce and an action bounce.

Linear bounce animation

Action bounce animation

Linear bounce animation(Revised)

Action bounce animation(Revised)


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