AF - W4

21/4/2021 (Week 4)
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Animation Fundamentals

Week 4 : Lecture
For this week we discussed on a principle of animation which is straight-ahead and pose-to-pose. 

1. Straight-ahead
This method provides a character's action from the first drawing to the end sequence order of the drawing. For this type of animation, there is very little planning to none which helps create a certain freshness and creativity to the action.

Fig 1: Straight-ahead method used on fire

2. Pose-to-pose
This method is drawing key poses first and then add breakdowns and in-between drawings within the poses. This is more planned out and strong in communicating story points with strong acting poses, combined with extreme and contact poses.

Fig 2: Pose-to-pose

I've decided to use the frog character as my character for this semester as it is more clean and simple. Below I did the outline work and chose my colors for the character.
Fig 3: Mage frog outline

Fig 4: Mage frog colored


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