DPI - Exercise

29/3/2021 (Week 1) 
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Digital Photography and Imaging

Week 1 : Practical
This week we had a briefing of the subject and all its project that must be completed in this semester. Today we were tasked to play the Bezier Game, create an e-portfolio blog, link our pinterest board and also selecting 3 designs from pinterest and describe why we like those design.

Bezier Game:

Fig 1: Bezier Game Result

Choose 3 design from Pinterest:

Fig 2 : Design 1


I like this design because it has small details of the anatomy while having the parts labeled which reminds me of those old books from my childhood.

Fig 3 : Design 2


I like this design because it has so much detail and the effort it took to create this artwork is insane. These type of art also reimagines living spaces in small objects which always surprises me and makes me think about other objects that could be used.

Fig 4 : Design 3


I like this design because it is minimalistic while having textures which helps make the artwork have depth and a sense of old vintage paintings.

26/4/2021 (Week 5) 
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Digital Photography and Imaging

Week 5 : Lecture
This week, we were discussing on conceptual poster design. Posters are a conventional medium where information can be conveyed to a target audience. They contain the power to generate awareness on an issue or conveying a message and luring audience into buying a product or services.

3 main questions to determine what the poster is created for.
  • Is it a poster for brand awareness?
  • Is it an advertising poster?
  • Is it a Public Service Announcement poster?
Public Service Announcement
A Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge, with the objective of raising awareness of a social issue.

Narrowing down the scope.

Research about your topic
  1. Study and gather information about the topic.
  2. Write a summary about the topic
  3. Highlight key points of the summary
  4. Define the Title
  5. Define the Slogan
  6. Define the Details
  7. Define the Call for Action

Define your concept
  1. Create a section for each contents (Title, Slogan, Details & Call for Action)
  2. Sketch your mock up poster
  3. Fill in the details

Start to develop your design projects
  1. Draft the digital poster based on your sketch
  2. Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design
  3. Apply color, typography, textures & effects
  4. Finalize your design with color correction

Four key features of a good poster
  1. Title
  2. Graphic
  3. Text
  4. White space

Fig 1: Poster Example 1

Fig 2: Poster Example 2

Fig 3: Poster Example 3

For practical we were tasked to do photo manipulation which is the Hearst Mansion with Shazam as the subject. 

Fig 4: Hearts Mansion

Fig 5: Shazam

This is the final composition for Hearst Mansion with Shazam in it. I really had fun doing this cause I love doing photo manipulation on Photoshop.

Fig 6: Layers

Fig 7: Hearst Mansion with Shazam

So for my own reflection I used the picture below which I took using a tripod and my phone in my bedroom (yes I wore a whole outfit in my room with shoes on).

Fig 8: Layers

Fig 9: My reflection

Fig 10: Hearts Mansion with Myself

3/5/2021 (Week 6) 
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Digital Photography and Imaging

Week 6 : Lecture
This week, we were discussing on Public Service Announcement which is a message that raises awareness of a certain social issue and changing public attitude towards that issue.

Narrowing down your scope.

Research about your topic
  1. Study and gather all related information about your topic.
  2. Write a summary about your topic
  3. Highlight the key points of your summary
  4. Define the Title
  5. Define the Slogan
  6. Define the Details
  7. Define the Call For Action

Define your concept
  1. Create a section for each contents (Title, Slogan, Details & Call for Action) 
  2. Sketch your mock up poster
  3. Fill in with details

Start to develop your design project
  1. Draft the digital poster based on your sketch 
  2. Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design.
  3. Apply color, typography, textures & effects
  4. Finalize your design with color correction

For practical we were tasked to do recoloring of a black and white image. For recoloring we had to create different layers for each part of the image. Then the blending mode would be on overlay which makes the colors overlay the original image.

Fig 1: Black and white image

Fig 2: Final recolored image

After finishing the coloring of the image, I tried using different colors on the image just to test out different color combinations.

Fig 3: Joker color

Fig 4: Alien color

10/5/2021 (Week 7) 
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Digital Photography and Imaging

Week 7 : Lecture
This week, we were discussing on color theory. Color theory is both science and art of using colors. The colors that humans perceive can convey certain messages or feeling to a person.

RGB is displaying colors on the computer screen while CMYK are the primary colors used in printing.

Hue is the most basic color terms and denotes what the object's color is.
Shade is a hue which has been added with black.
Tint is a hue which has been added with white.
Tone is a hue which has been added with black and white.

Fig 1: Color Theory

Monochromatic is where only one color of hue is used where only the shades, tints and tone is changed.
Triadic colors are evenly spaced around the color wheel and tend to be very bright and dynamic.

Fig 2: Triadic colors

Psychology of Color

Fig 3: Psychology of color

For this weeks practical, we are doing another recoloring exercise.

Below is the image that we were tasked to recolor.

Fig 4: BW image 1

The image below is used as the hair color for recoloring.

Fig 5: Hair color 1

The image below is used for the skin tone for recoloring.

Fig 6: Skin tone 1

This is the final result of the first recoloring image.

Fig 7: Final recolor 1

This is another image that I have chosen to be recolored.

Fig 8: BW image 2

The image below is used for the hair color of the recoloring.

Fig 9: Hair color 2

The image below is used for the skin tone and eye color for recoloring.

Fig 10: Skin tone and eye color 2

The image below is the colors that I have chosen from the 2 images above.

Fig 11: Selected colors

This is the final result of the second recoloring exercise.

Fig 12: Final recolor 2

24/5/2021 (Week 9) 
Thaqif Syarafuddin(0331337)
Digital Photography and Imaging

Week 9 : Lecture
This week, we were learning about After Effects. After Effects is an animation software used for animation, visual effects and motion picture compositing. This software is used in the post-production phase, and has hundreds of effects that can be used to manipulate imagery. This allows users to combine layers of video and images into the same scene. We were taught on how we can import layers from Photoshop to be used in After Effects.

For the exercise this week, we had to animate a composition using After Effects. During tutorial we were taught on how to animate using keyframes on the properties of the layers such as rotate, scale, opacity and more. 

This is the composition that was provided.

Fig 1: Provided composition

Video 1: Animated composition



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